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January 3, 2012

Snowman Freebie and Followers

I think I figured out how to save a Word doc into a PDF. Now if I can just get it into Google Docs.......
When I finally figure all of this stuff out, I will be posting lots of freebies for my bloggy buddies! I need some help from my 9 followers, please send your other bloggy friends my way. I'd love to share the things I've made and found with more people in bloggy land :)
It works! Click to download ---->
Chubby Little Snowman Poem
Retell the story (from Mrs. Drakes Room)
I will be using this poem to create something similar to this story prop from Mrs. Drakes Room. However, I'm thinking some light blue paper and some paint, maybe some glitter---Oh, this could be fun and messy :) Isn't that what's great about Kindergarten? I usually put this poem in a pocket chart and we read it throughout the week. My kiddos love this poem, especially acting it out!

Another favorite activity is a snowball fight in the classroom. It's not as messy as it sounds! All you do is write your sight words onto pieces of paper and wad them up into balls to make paper snow balls. Give each child a 'snow ball' and throw them around. The children then pick up a snowball and read the sight word on it. Hopefully they get a different snowball than the one they threw. Wad up the balls and repeat. It's so much fun!

What are some snow/snowman/winter activities you like to do in your classroom?