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December 29, 2011

Winter Cuteness and a Giveaway!

 I hope everyone is enjoying your holiday break! I have been enjoying time with my kiddos and catching up on naps since they don't quite grasp the concept of sleeping in. :) I have been spending random moments at night online looking for new ideas to inspire me for the new year and have come across several things that have gotten me excited!
First, check out this calendar for January from Anything But Perfect. OMG, y'all! That little snowman family is too cute!  I will be sending these home in my Kinders folders for snacks, birthdays, and school events. Best of all, it's a FREE download! While you're there, check out her other printables. I could spend a lot (more) time on her site :)
January 2012 from Anything But Perfect

Stacy over at The Land of Aha-Z made the cutest classroom rules posters. There's five of them, and they are so colorful and cute! And FREE! Don't you love freebies? :) I'm not at all thrilled about the ones I currently have, so I've already printed these out and they are on the their way to be laminated tomorrow.

Seriously! How cute are these?! LOVE!

Speaking of cute and colorful, Kristen at Ladybugs Teacher Files is having a blog design giveaway! She has created the cutest blog templates! You know my heart skipped a beat when I saw the pink one! Jump over there now and enter her drawing, but hurry because you only have until New Year's Eve to enter :) Good luck! While your there, go ahead and follow her! She has the best stuff :)